Hello, my name is Metka, and I am the owner, the artist, and the "one-man band" of JELLEK.
My last name is Jelek, which is a really rare surname in Slovenia. In fact, it is so rare, that the only people with this last name in Slovenia, are all related to me, and there are actually only 8 of us. I have always felt so special because of that, and since my dad is the last one who passed the name on to two daughters, I wanted to keep it alive in some other way. I have a degree in textile and fashion design, and I wanted to start my own brand and profit from my creativity for a really long time. In February 2021 I started my own brand and I wanted to include my family name. As you probably noticed, I had chosen Jellek and not Jelek, which is another story of its own. My family's surname used to be Jellek, and it is still on the family grave to this day. After the Second World War, most of the names that sounded too German were changed, in order to sound more Slovene. That is how Jellek became Jelek.
Jellek or Jelek, whatever I chose, I hope both names will live on with this brand. Family, heritage, and history are all really important to me and further, through this brand, you'll get to know even more of me.